Insights, Ideas and News

Buying A House In Southern California? Here’s How Much You Can Afford
By Ember E. Martin, CFP®
Living in Southern California is a dream. The weather is nice all year round with no snow in sight (except for the mountains). There are many things to do and many places to visit. Diverse communities with many cultures lend their own flair and personality to the area. It is no wonder why so many people want to own a home here.
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4 Things To Do In A Volatile Market
By Ember E. Martin, CFP®
A global pandemic, volatile markets, quarantine…2020 certainly has not gone as expected. Forget “uncertain times”—more like scary or downright panic-inducing. In the midst of unprecedented volatility regarding the markets and employment, it’s normal to ask, “Am I going to be all right?” and “How will this affect me?” After our health, our main concern is our financial security, right?
While our current events are not to be minimized, we can take comfort in being educated about what’s actually happening, not what the news is portraying. Here are 4 things you should do in times of market uncertainty and volatility.
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Staying Home These Days? 4 Ways To Clean Up Your Finances While Social Distancing
By Ember E. Martin, CFP®
If you’re like most Americans, you’ve suddenly found yourself spending all your time at home. With the absence of commuting, socializing, or other outside-the-home activities, you may be wondering how you can make the best use of your time. Here’s a suggestion: Why not do some financial spring cleaning? It’s the perfect opportunity to not only organize and declutter your home, but also give your finances a little extra love. It might even relieve some stress to be proactive and gain a better understanding of your financial situation. Here are a few ways to do just that.
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I Am Here For You Virtually!
By Ember E. Martin, CFP®
How often recently have you woken up worried or gone to bed at night with your mind racing? For most of us, our schedules have been turned upside down; we don’t know what’s going to happen with our businesses or jobs; we’re concerned for loved ones; and we’re apprehensive about the markets and the economy. We get it. We are living in unprecedented times and there is no crystal ball to tell us what our world will look like in three months.
But one thing you can count on, one thing that won’t change, is that our team at Vested Wealth Advisors is here for you. We care about every worry or question you have and are tirelessly committed to taking care of you and your money.
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What We Do And How We Can Help
By Ember E. Martin, CFP® When it comes to money, many of us believe that having lots of it is the be-all, end-all goal. And while, yes, money does make the world go round, we believe that money is a tool, not a solution; a tool to help you live your life in a way that...
What Should You Do About The Coronavirus And Stock Market Volatility?
The financial markets took a big dip early last month over fears about the spreading coronavirus, erasing gains from earlier this year. After the Dow lost over 800 points in one day, it was down a total of 1,900 points in two days. Investors are understandably...
Why I Became A Financial Planner
By Ember E. Martin, CFP® Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. While we may start off in one career, our experiences might show us other areas we want to pursue or open doors to new opportunities. That’s exactly how I found my way into my career as a financial...
Why We Should Care About the Yield Curve?
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MUST WATCH: Peter Bernstein on Risk
Peter Bernstein, a legend of investing thought leadership, who wrote one of my favorite books “Against the Gods: The Remakable story of Risk” can be seen in this 13 minute video discussing risk. If you watch and listen carefully you will become educated unlike few others in this all-important concept.