Spring Cleaning for a Better Financial Life

Spring Cleaning for a Better Financial Life

Clutter is a common annoyance, especially in a busy household. But did you know it sneaks up in your financial life as well? And that it can also cost you money? “Financial clutter” is distracting and it makes it hard to see the progress you’re making toward your...
A ‘Naive Meritocracy’

A ‘Naive Meritocracy’

A recent research paper published by Cornell University, examines the real world inconsistency between how wealth and success are accrued to the top 20% of society while talent and competence exhibit a normal distribution, the ‘Gaussian’ bell...

Active vs. Passive: The Illusory Debate

Every time I read about the “active vs. passive debate” I can feel my blood pressure go up. There is no “debate”.  The only people perpetuating this myth are those who make a living touting active management and those who don’t know the facts. Proponents of...

The Happiness Equation

To say that “money isn’t everything” is more than a cliché. Studies in the early 1970s demonstrated that a sense of well-being, or happiness, had not increased commensurately with income over the previous half century.1 That trend continues as the modern world has...