Insights, Ideas and News

Getting You Organized
Organization = Clarity and Understanding
One of the most daunting elements of embarking on a financial plan is the reality that you need to be organized in how you store and access your information as well as organized in your mind. In other words you need to know what you have and where it all is. Vested Wealth Advisors helps with this in two ways.
All clients receive a Financial Planning Organizer Kit (from This is comprehensive set of organizing tabs for your home files. Its simple but a powerful tool in putting papers where they should go.
For Wealth Management clients, we provide the online Client Wealth Portal. Not only is is a state-of-the-art tool for tracking your entire financial picture at one location, it has a ‘vault’ feature that easily allows clients to upload and safeguard their critical information and documents behind password protection. The video above is about this tool.

Medicare Basics

The Range of Annual Returns
At a time when investors have experienced the worst quarter of market returns in perhaps their lifetime it is instructive to review the expectations of long range returns based on various levels of portfolio risk. Vanguard provides the following chart to illustrate that over the long term, a) diversified portfolios have stable expected annualized returns commensurate with their risk level and also that b) any one year can have significant volatility. Check it out…
Who is Middle Class Nowadays?
New research from the Pew Research center says it matters how big your household is…see below.

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Talking Risk: Emotion vs. Data
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The Happiness Equation
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ERISA Bonds vs. Fiduciary Insurance
With so much attention lately on fiduciary duty, as well as the surge of fiduciary litigation this past year, plan sponsors would be wise to explore their insurance options. While the ERISA fidelity bond (also referred to as a “fidelity bond” or “ERISA bond”), is...
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Passive Investing Demonized
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