4 Things To Do In A Volatile Market
By Ember E. Martin, CFP® A global pandemic, volatile markets, quarantine…2020 certainly has not gone as expected. Forget “uncertain times”—more like scary or downright panic-inducing. In the midst of unprecedented volatility regarding the markets and employment, it’s...
I Am Here For You Virtually!
By Ember E. Martin, CFP® How often recently have you woken up worried or gone to bed at night with your mind racing? For most of us, our schedules have been turned upside down; we don’t know what’s going to happen with our businesses or jobs; we’re concerned for loved...
What We Do And How We Can Help
By Ember E. Martin, CFP® When it comes to money, many of us believe that having lots of it is the be-all, end-all goal. And while, yes, money does make the world go round, we believe that money is a tool, not a solution; a tool to help you live your life in a way that...
What Should You Do About The Coronavirus And Stock Market Volatility?
The financial markets took a big dip early last month over fears about the spreading coronavirus, erasing gains from earlier this year. After the Dow lost over 800 points in one day, it was down a total of 1,900 points in two days. Investors are understandably...